General System Features |
Global Accessibility - Anytime. Anywhere. |
10,000 Products/SKUs at no additional cost |
Unlimited Virtual Registers at no additional cost |
User Defined Dashboards |
eBulletin (System Announcements) |
Employee Time Tracking (clock in/out) |
Automated Zip-Code prefill of City/State |
Fully Customizable Security |
Client Customizable Settings |
Multiple Reports for Customer, Orders, Products and general accounting |
Save User defined report templates (to easily re-run in the future) |
Customer Relationship Manager |
Full Demographics for Person or Entity/Business customers |
Unlimited comments about customers/orders |
Customer Account Management |
Accounts Recievable follow up area |
Customer Extracts for general marketing |
Customer to Customer Relationships (used to store householding info, contacts, etc) |
Generate and email Invoices |
Generate and email Customer Ledger |
Traditional Point of Sale |
Walk-In Orders (no customer info needed) |
Customer Sales Orders (current and history) |
Product Purchase Summary (item counts, first last purchased dates) |
Seamless (payments/refunds/receipts) |
Generate Price Quotes (pending orders) |
Copy Sales Orders for repeated customer orders |
Innovative for order processing, inventory management, etc |
Integrated Clear Text and Encrypted (credit card swipes) |
General Order Discount Options |
Happy Hour Pricing/Coupons/Free Item Tokens |
Customer Tiered Pricing (Loyalty Programs) |
Multiple Kitting Options (product grouping, packaging and optional discounts) |
Rental/Lease Processing |
Product Instance Tracking (create instances of product with specific Serial/Lot No) |
Tracks Employee Commissions |
Inventory Management |
Customizable products with Multiple Pricing Options |
Manage inventory at all locations separately |
Restock Tool with options to update by Delta or Total |
Update Actual Cost of existing inventory using Value, Average or Weighted Average |
Integrated Purchase Orders (created from inventory, with search for low/out) |
Email Purchase Orders to suppliers |
Stock Transfer Management (between multiple locations) |
Shipment Management (used for jobs, stock transfers, etc) |
Print Shipping Labels |
General Accounting Module |
Unlimited Accounts (Cash, Asset, Liability, Shareholder Equity) |
Unlimited Business Parters/Payees |
Create scheduled (recurring) payments |
Simple and Itemized Reconcile Process |
General Ledger (Payment Summary) |
Auto create payment to supplier when completing a purchase order |
Entity Import/Export CSV data |
Ability to import/export products |
Ability to import/export customers |
Ability to import/export inventory by location |
Ability to export payments |
Ability to export OrderItems (with order data repeated as header) |
Advanced Invoice Management |
Retain generated invoices (PDF) in the archive |
Download, email and manage previously generated invoices |
Auto-generate a sequential ID for all invoices |
Enter a custom Invoice Id, Due Date and Notes, all of which will print on the Invoice |
Search for customers by invoice status |
Customer File Management |
Upload and store customer documents in the archive |
Workflow/Job Process Management |
Save user defined searches (customer, order, shipement, transfer, accounting, PO, etc) with item status |
User defined/customizable workflows |
Job Processing (internal and external) |
Ability to specify customer delivery address for order |
Support for Drop Shiping orders from suppliers |
Integrated eCommerce |
Traditional eCommerce storefront with shopping cart |
Traditional B&M Stores can use the same products used for the fySales retail store account, and just set an internet price |
Checkout by CC, with deposits going to the same account as your store |
Orders are submitted to the same back end fySales system used by your primary storefront |
Customer Appointment Management |
Full scheduling capabilities for scheduling and documneting customer appointments |
Appointment links directly to the customer profile in the CRM |
View by day or week with user settings to configure the calendar |
Custom Integration |
Use your existing eCommerce website to send orders to our back end processing and accounting system |
Use our imports/exports and alternate identifiers on the major entity types to sync data between legacy systems |
We have extensive development experience and can custom design an integrated solution for you |